Monday, December 17, 2012

Winter Wonderland?

Bundled up!


Tamales at the Figerroa Robles home.

18 de Diciembre 2012

Hello my family! I cant believe its almost Christmas! Its a little weird being away from home at this time of year. During these weeks in December I have always spent my time with family and friends. Memories of Dad doing heel clickers off the couch on Christmas morning because Santa came or playing board games with sisters flood my brain everytime I see Christmas decorations or hear a Christmas jingle being played on the radio. This year I have the unique privelege to walk the streets of Cananea as a missionary! and I couldnt be more excited to spend my Christmas with the Mexicans I have absolutely grown to love :)

Well this week was interesting! First off... IT SNOWED!! hah well kinda. at least the little mountains on the South side of Cananea were coated with a thin layer of snow. But most of the week we were blessed with freezing rain. it was actually really cold. Nobody told me Sonora Mexico could actually have temperatures below freezing before my mission! Thankfully there was a whole bunch or random jackets and sweaters that I bundled up in all week.

It was interesting to see how the people here reacted to the cold! As soon as the sun went down the stores started to close and everybody went home. Cananea absolutely shut down at 7 oclock and Elder Villegas and I had a hard time getting into anybodys house, simply because they wouldnt open the door because of the cold! We could definitely tell who was interested in our message because of who let us in! We did not have as many lessons as past weeks, but we had quality visits. Most of the homes here have wood burning stove/heaters called calentones. they fire those bad boys up and feed it chopped wood all night until they go to bed. I know I say this everyweek, but the people here are sooo humble and and I am constantly learning more about mexican culture. Its a lot of fun living in a different country!

I also had the chance to travel to Hermosillo at the beginning of the week to go to a new missionary meeting with all of the Greenies, asistants and president! Pretty neat day. concluding all of our workshops and meetings we had a testimony meeting. I bore my testimony second. 1st was Elder Chuc from Colombia. he stands 5 foot 2 and if you close your eyes while he speeks you might think a woman is talking. anyways, I was able to bare my testimony in front of 15 or so new elders, their trainers, president and his wife. My spanish is really coming along, it was funny to hear some of the spanish from the other americans, very slow and not tons of correct grammer. Elder Jones, Elder Balli (the elders from my district in the MTC) and I definitely have the best spanish. Dont get me wrong its still terrible. Comparable to a 6 year old mexican. but it was good to get a compliment from President and his Wife after the testimony meeting.

This email is taking me forever to write because my hands are freezing and typing is slowwww.

All in all a pretty good week. I might have the opportunity to baptise two 8 year old girls this Sunday! they both come from inactive families and didnt go to church this week. It is the Branch Presidents call to see if they will be baptised! 2 very sweer young ladies, Gaby and Arlet. They know the importance of baptism and have great faith. Wonderful examples for me and their families. An update on our golden investagators! Victoria and her friend Nicholas have accepted their baptisimal dates and are working hard to be baptised at the end of this month. They both atttended church again this week, and have been reading the Book of Mormon! The prayers of Elder Villegas and I truly been answered. we taught them 3 times this week, and we always have great testimony experiences with them!

I look forward to this next week and am prayin for some better weather! I love this church and I love being a missionary. There is no better calling in this world than to be a representative of Christ and go door to door sharing the good news of the Gospel. It is my prayer that we can all remember the true spirit of Christmas and that we can celebrate the birth, life, example and sacrifice of our older brother Jesus Christ! Remember the nails! I love you all and hope you have a very merry week.

- Elder Farrow

P.S. sing your face off this week Bailey! I will be cheerin for you in my heart. Be sure to send videos of your songs. love yerrr

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