Monday, August 4, 2014

A much needed week of success

Aug. 4, 2014

Through ups and downs here in the mission, this weeks served to be very very successful and happy week. hah the last couple weeks have been a little tough and my companion and I were struggling a little bit finding new people and families to teach and battling with rechazo and desanimo. however, the Lord truly opened up the windows of heaven this week and our prayers were answered! I love how God works. He is sometimes just waiting for us to work hard and be patient then he helps us out when we need Him most.

The members here are catching the fire and are working well. obviously not everybody, but the solid families here are giving us names and coming out on visits with us. They feel the spirit with us and the flame gets even hotter. We have said goodbye to many families and found several new ones.

This week we baptized Jesus Antonio!! a stud!! he just barely turned 12 years old and is a little short for his age. He walked to church a few times just so his baptismal date wouldn't fall. He was very prepared and is super smart. His mom and his step dad would have been baptized too, but they are dealing with some issues with divorce for past marriages and other stuff. From the very 1st time we talked to him about baptism he told me that he wanted me to baptize him. Saturday was a very special day for me. In the afternoon we started our fast, later at 6 we baptized and had a very powerful noche de hogar (family home evening) with an investigating family. I honestly felt like the blessings didn't stop coming this week because Sunday was awesome too! lots of investigators at church and I felt like everybody was smiling haha or maybe its just me.

 Finishing up the mission is nothing easy and i think more now than ever I am depending on the spirit to guide me everyday. Guide my thoughts, words, and actions. to sum it up, i feel emotionally tired haha I truly feel my Saviors presence. its a little hard to explain but I just knows He is aware of me. I feel a beautiful peace every night in my prayers, and this peace is a big motivator for me to work hard and leave everything I have here in the field. 4th quarter baby! I am still going strong and have big plans to have another successful week. I am proud of my family and so grateful for your constant love and support these last 2 years. and do love you all with all my heart!

Remember The Nails,
Elder Farrow

1. A new family! they didn't go to church Sunday like they said they they would haha but next week fo sho!
2. Always time to make tortillas :D
3-4. Anotonio con su mama y hermanita

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