This week was fantastic! Metaphorically speaking, its almost like I opened up a fortune cookie that said, "the hard work is about to pay off". On Friday we had our 1st baptism! His name is Jose Erubiel. He is an 11 year old teddy bear. You will know what I mean as soon as you see his picture. He out-weighs me by a good 70 pounds. Earlier in the week he asked me to baptize him, it was a great baptismal service and a relatively smooth baptism considering Erubiel was scared to enter into the font. To tell you the truth this fear of water is pretty common here in mexico. Most don't know how to swim and have never been in a pool!
We were privileged to see 10 of our investigators at church on Sunday. 7 of the 10 are 2 families that have baptismal dates for the 30th of this month. We are praying for a miracle, and know we have to work even harder to complete our baptismal goal for the month. Sunday morning right before church the Bishop asked me if I could speak in church , because the people who were going to speak didn't show up. For the 1st time here in Mexico, I got up and spoke with real confidence. It seemed like Spanish wasn't even a barrier and I was able to give a solid 20 minute talk on the Santa Cena (sacrament) and how it can be la armadura de Dios (the armour of God) in our lives. I thought that was cool to see my progress. There was a huge difference in this talk, from the little messages I shared in the Sacrament meetings in Cananea!
In other news, I think you would all be very proud of me, I put sun screen on 3 times this week. It is amazing how strong this sun is. I cant believe it sometimes. Elder Castro and I had a lesson planned at 4oclock, but it was in a neighborhood that was a little farther than the buses could take us, so we were forced to walk about 45 minutes to their house, only to find that they weren't home! ahha so we walk 45 minutes back in the other direction. We drink lots of water, for the most part, every house we enter the people offer their guests water, that is the good part about everything. However, the people here still tell us that the "real" heat hasn't arrived yet. So, we will have to wait :)
Im pretty stoked to be a missionary, this week I completed 9 months on the mission and I am more happy and excited than ever. Through the ups and the downs here in Mexico I'm still smiling. I am so blessed to have the crazy, loving, supportive family that I have. I look at the picture of Mom and Dad huggin each other on their wedding anniversary. My parents are the most important example in my life. You are the models I have set in front of me as the kind of relationship I want to have with my future wife.Thank you. Keep on loving family! I hope you have an incredible week and enjoy your first week of summer. Life is Good.
Elder Farrow
P.S. my answers for mom:
1. are you making any meals for your self.? yes, cereal and eggs and quesadillas
2. Shoes come? not yet. lazy missionaries in agua prieta didnt bring them.
3. Hows the stomach? nice and round
4. Are you careful with the water your drink?....don't come home with bugs! Your companions might be used to drinking water, but you aren't. I am so careful its not even funny hahah maybe ill just come home with one or two little worms. thats the goal
5. We are sending you a package....let us know when you get it! love you!!!
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