Monday, October 1, 2012

3rd Week in MTC!!!! Brigham City Temple Dedication

September 28th, 2012


Ahhhh another week has passed by! It's crazy how fast these weeks go. This week definitely seemed the shortest. All in all these last few days have been great. I continue to find new secrets about the MTC, like hidden drawers in our room called Narnias!   Honestly its different spending all day cooped up in 3 buildings. At least at college I had a little bit of freedom of where I wanted to go. Even through the ups and downs of the MTC I continue to stay positive. The language is definitely still a barrier, and at times it gets frustrating. Never have I done so much soul searching or spent time on my knees in my life!

I am now on a pretty consistent schedule of teaching. I continue to teach Andres and Elena. both have accepted to be baptized! woot woot whooo. It’s all fake, but very real to us Elders. I love getting into the lessons! I love the chance that I get to bare my testimony to my investigators! I am really having so much fun here. I have tricked missionaries into thinking that I am cool. It’s nice for a change. I was jamming with Elder Jones in a piano room the other day, him on piano, me on my harmonica and singing Piano Man! Naturally a crowd of 20+ Missionaries gathered outside the open door to hear. I hated the attention ;) haha that is just one of the crazy things that happen here. One other thing that keeps us sane is our GYM time! I continue to play soccer and volleyball, sometimes an occasional game of horsey shoes with Jones. Have I mentioned he isn’t much of an athlete? He once played little league, I think. But he's a talented kid, and really smart. Sometimes I pretend I know what he is talking about when he chatters on about physics.

I had the opportunity to go to the Temple again this morning! There is nothing quite like feeling the spirit while being at the House of The Lord. Also, I got to be a part of the Brigham City Temple dedication! Great experience for me, I was listening to every word from Boyd K. Packer, and eating it all up. What a powerful message and prayer. After the dedication the whole congregation (3000 missionaries) belted The Spirit of God together. I got choked up halfway through the second verse, and was so dang happy! I wanted to stand up and throw my fists in the air and tell everyone the church was true! ha-ha I'm pretty sure everyone knew that already though. It was a great day. I told you I gave a talk in Sacrament meeting! Through my broken Spanish I shared a message of the importance of Baptism then bore my testimony! 5 minutes never felt so long. I guess I did pretty well, even the Latinos said so, and they were impressed I could roll my R's! I said, "Good Elders. Doest this surprise you that I speak with the gift of tongues?” they said "Nay!" So that was pretty cool!

Each day there is a new story to tell. I'm doing my best best to write in my journal every night! I don't want to forget about these amazing experiences. Only 3 weeks in and I have so much to share. Only 3 weeks in and im on fire!!! Family I want you to know I love you and that I am in good hands. I know that man at the top of the mountain didn't just fall there! I'm working hard, day in and day out. I set goals and achieve them. I am ready for these next 2 years! Whatever this world has to throw at me, I will attack it with the Word of God. I cannot even begin to say the many blessings in all of our lives. I am so thankful for the opportunity I have to serve as a true representative of my Savior Jesus Christ, standing on the front line of battle against this world in it's moral decay. Thank you for your constant love and support! keep feeding me those letters. Mom and Dad, your words of advise throughout the week truly inspire me, and sometimes give me that extra push at the end of the day. Sisters... kinda slackin on the letters, jk, write me when you can! Brookie thanks for your letters! I really do love the updates.


Elder Farrow

P.S. More pictures on the way! I hope! I purchased a 2 dollar pen at the bookstore this week called the ZEBRA-402. It's the new craze at the MTC. Writes like butter (como mantequilla)

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